Deacon George Wobilo
Deacon George Wobilo

My daughter was kidnapped by ritualists and they took her to a forest. The moment they got to the forest, they tied her to a tree with rope and somebody came out with machete and they started discussing how they would share her body parts. Then, my daughter started shouting Jesus, Jesus. They asked her to shut up her mouth, that did she see Jesus here? She then closed her mouth but saying it in her mind and praying. The moment the man came out with his machete to cut off my daughter’s head, lo and behold, as he raised up his head, his hand was suspended in the air. He then started shouting who brought this girl here? And immediately there was a wind blowing all over and there was a voice saying loose my daughter three times. Immediately, they loosened my daughter and they said she has a grace and they brought her to the main road and she came back home. Praise the Lord.

Deacon George Wobilo


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