
I want to give this testimony to the glory of God and to say thank you to Daddy G.O for not hiding the truth of the word from us. In 2014, I just discovered that I had a growth in my eye and within that period, I became so scared as the growth kept on increasing. I was thinking of going to the hospital to find out if it was malignant or benign but at that time I was trying to go and lecture the year 3 school of disciples. Towards the end of the lecture, Daddy G.O quoted a verse of the scripture, John 6:63; the end of it says: “the words that I speak are spirit and life”. And Daddy G.O said something, he said, where angels cannot enter, the word enters it.

With this, my faith rose and every fear disappeared and I told God which word and He led me to the book of Matthew 8:17 that says take away my infirmity and bear our sicknesses and that was it. I went back home and started reading the reference that was quoted in the Bible and I said it over and over again: you growth I cannot see you again, either you are there or not, I cannot see you, and that is it. Within two weeks, the growth disappeared to the glory of God.


Swollen liver healed

Last year August, I came with my friend because she invited me. She said ‘when you set your feet on Redemption Camp, whatever challenge you

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