Pastor Toyin Olugbemi

1. Live without Fear but with Total Trust in the Lord and Gratitude to Him:

David, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were men who did great exploits by faith. Their names could be said to have entered into the list of Bible heroes of faith because of the great exploits they wrought by faith. They feared no man or any power but God alone. The fearful and timid cannot enjoy God’s company or do exploits to the glory of His name. That’s why the scriptures always enjoin us to fear not.

Fear indeed negates faith and is not pleasing to God. There are many promises of God that are anchored on the injunction – fear not. Interestingly, each of the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob received the definite charge – fear not, from God (Gen 15:1; Gen 26:24; Gen 46:8 respectively). The children of Israel and believers generally were so charged many times. So, it behoves us to always walk by faith and not fear (Isaiah 41:10-14, KJV).

David was a little shepherd boy who stood solidly against Goliath by faith, and he thereby defeated and killed the Philistine giant with a sling and a stone, by his faith in the Lord. The story of his valiant deeds of exploits is well documented in 1 Samuel 17.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship the golden image carved by Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, even at the threat and peril of being thrown into a furnace of devouring fire. They refused to fear! They lived by faith and stood their ground of not worshipping any other God apart from the living God (Dan 3).

Let not your faith in God be shaken. Do not fear. The Lord who delivered the three Hebrew boys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, will surely deliver you. He has not changed and His faithfulness is from everlasting to everlasting.

Daniel too, living by faith, did defy the king’s order that no one should pray to or ask any petition from any other god except the King of Babylon for a period of thirty days. During this period, Daniel kept praying to God without fear or hiding it. He was arrested and thrown into the lions’ den but the Lord delivered him (Daniel 6:1-22). No matter the magnitude of wicked schemes of the enemy against you, may you remain ever victorious in Jesus name.

Causes of Fear

The only thing that can conquer fear is faith. All that we need today is faith to conquer doubt and fear. The common causes of fear include:

i. Bad news: The antidote to this is the gospel of Christ.

ii. Health Challenges of diverse nature: The Lord has provided the solution by faith in Himself by His stripes.

iii. Incurable Terminal Diseases now ravaging the world: (like Cancer, COVID 19, AIDS and the like. The Lord’s divine health insurance remains unbeatable (Exo. 15:26; 3 John 2).

iv. Insecurity, Terrorism and Kidnapping: Psalm 91 assures God’s children of infallible and unfailing security, safety and peace with unassailable protection.

v. Uncertainty about the Future: In Christ, our future is certain because we know whom we have believed and our future is in Him and in His hands.

vi. Inadequate Time or Time running out: For us today is the day of salvation

vii. Death: The fear of death is a torment that has kept many captive for long. It is one of the chief reasons why Jesus came to the earth – to deliver many from the fear of death.

Looking at these few causes of fear, we will notice that the highest fear is the fear of death, but only faith can conquer fear.

To appreciate the Lord for conquering death for us and liberating us from its fear is a key reason we must remain eternally grateful to God. Gratitude is fundamental. It is a reflection of faith. The ungrateful person cannot be said to be faithful, given all that the Lord daily does for us. For example, the Psalmist praises the Lord for daily loading our lives with benefits.

Psalm 68:19 KJV

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us even the God of our salvation.”

2. Visionary Living and Total Commitment: Those who live by faith live with their eyes on the anticipated end with its benefits, from the beginning. They are men and women of vision who are driven by compelling goals, the ends they have envisaged or the destination that they are heading. They live by the glorious vision(s) they have seen. They are focused and totally unyielding in the pursuit of their God-given visions. Their commitment, focus, dedication and relentlessness in holy living make them achieve far more than their peers and mates. Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David and Daniel are also good examples of men of vision with unbroken focus. Hebrews 11 has elucidated much on this, precisely Hebrews 11:10, 13, 16 KJV.

Seeing with the eyes of faith is essential. It is so much so that the Holy Spirit prayed through the mouth of Apostle Paul that God would enlighten the eyes of our understanding.

Ephesians 1:18 KJV

“The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know w what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints,”

3. Total Selflessness and Self-Denial: God takes no pleasure in selfishness, and His glory He would not give or share with another. He detests idolatry in whatever guise. When it comes to self-denial and readiness to sacrifice one’s life, you need to consider Bible characters like Esther, and note the ever-unequalled self-sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and Abraham’s readiness to sacrifice Isaac, the child of the promise that he got at a very old age. Esther’s preparedness to sacrifice her life on account of her people is worthy of note. She was ready to go into the king uninvited at the risk of her life, but first by fasting and prayer, calling on the God of mercy.

Esther 4:16 KJV

“Go, gather together all the Jews that are present in Shushan, and fast ye for me, and neither eat nor drink three days, night or day: I also and my maidens will fast likewise; and so will I go in unto the king, which is not according to the law: and if l perish, I perish._ (Underlinedby the author for emphasis only)

Esther did not perish. Rather, she enjoyed unusual favour from the king and had her request granted up to half of the kingdom! (Esther 5:3). A life of sacrifice normally results in exploits. Jesus Christ Himself is the paragon of self-sacrifice. He offered Himself for the redemption of mankind, for your redemption and my redemption (2 Corinthians 5:15, KJV).

Swollen liver healed

Last year August, I came with my friend because she invited me. She said ‘when you set your feet on Redemption Camp, whatever challenge you

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