
By Samuel Oyejola

“Be not ignorant of this one thing that one day is with God as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day”. 2 Peter 3:8

This was one of the final counsels of Apostle Peter to the church, establishing clearly that although God’s ways are not our ways and His thoughts are higher than ours, yet one thing that is common in the operation of God and man is time and season. In terms of duration, God’s time may differ from ours but He’s still a God of time; and even if He’s not bound or influenced by Seasons, He still appoints our Seasons.

God, through His creative power and wisdom, has made the entire creation within the framework of time and season and from the first day till now, His relation to the creation is still within the ambit of time. It is by this Wisdom He appointed the day also for the End of Time. The beginning and the end of time is God. He is a God of time and season.

They are both truth that bear great significance to the Christian, the church and the world at large.

No one can accurately account for the past, understand the present or predict the future without due reference to God for by His Divine decree, the course of time and Eternity are ordered. The answers to the “Whys” “Whens” and “Wheres” of mankind is with God; God has given to everything their time and appointed the season to every purpose under the heavens.

God’s time births and terminates the vicissitudes of life and happy is the man that receives this truth as a little child. This understanding ought to repose the believer’s faith in God and kindle a fire of hope in him if his present circumstance is unpleasant. Your affliction is for an appointed time.

As the church, we must understand how crucial this dispensation is to our calling. We occupy a strategic position in God’s agenda for this generation and by the indications of the scripture, we know that we are at the close of the age. The church must give all diligence to the preparation of the bride for the bridegroom while sounding the alarm to rescue the unconverted multitude. This is high time to awake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we first believed.

The God of time and season is the God of Eternity. All who have enjoyed the dividends of the God of time on Earth should endeavour to make preparation to experience Him as the God of Eternity. What bliss that would be!

Whereas no qualification is required to be born into and to experience time, yet a great deal is required to qualify one for eternity with God.


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