Deaconess Faith Aladegbaye

I’m here to fulfil my vow in thanksgiving to God. On the 30th of May, 2024, the Lord God Almighty delivered my husband and I from what would have been a ghastly motor accident. Few days before then, through a dream, the Lord revealed to my husband that there was a burial in the family, so we prayed in tongues and we asked God to shield every one of us by fire and the Lord did that.

What happened on the 30th of May was that we went on the Sango-Tedo Epe expressway, both lanes were free. We were about to do a U-turn; I was the one driving and my husband’s head was down because he was trying to send a message on his phone. I looked both ways and I waited until the lane was free. As I was about to turn to the other lane, a lane that I had looked at earlier and didn’t see a car, there was an oncoming trailer on top speed.

In fact, at the time I turned the car, the trailer was already by the side of our own car. It was just like a split second. I screamed JESUS and at the mention of that Name, the Lord slammed my brake. It was just God that delivered us that the trailer did not pull us off the lane neither did it crush us or drag us. To the Glory of God, the Lord God Almighty shielded us by fire and we have the rod of fire in our hands. Praise the Lord, Halleluyah!

Deaconess Faith Aladegbaye


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