I have come to return all the glory to God who has dealt wondrously with us. We got married in the year 2012 and by the grace of God, before the end of the year, the Lord blessed us with a beautiful daughter. That was before the devil stepped in. The devil showed its ugly face in year 2014 when my wife got pregnant again and it resulted in stillbirth. Thereafter, we started having several miscarriages and within a period of six years, we had 10 miscarriages. During this period of trial, we were praying and fasting and our pastor joined us in praying and believing that God will step in.
We were referred to so many gynaecologists who subjected us to different medical tests and we were proven to be medically fit. So, we kept believing. In year 2021 convention tagged: ‘The Siege Is Over’, we came and Daddy G. O mentioned our case. He said: “I have good news for somebody here, the siege of your miscarriages is over”. We claimed it with faith.
Four months later, my wife became sick of typhoid and malaria and it was treated for 4 days and on the 4th night, she had a dream that Daddy G.O appeared to her and said to her “this one will not fall, you will carry your testimony and the world will see it”. She woke up and told me about the dream, and then I told her to go for a pregnancy test which came out positive.
However, the fear of having another miscarriage came again. But then, there’s something peculiar about the previous miscarriages; whenever she’s pregnant, a giant dog will appear to her in her dreams, will attack her, and after waking up, she’ll lose the pregnancy. Then, we came for June 2022 Holy Ghost service and Daddy G.O repeated the same prophecy he gave to my wife in her dreams, “your siege is over, this baby will not fall, and the world will see your testimony”.
Brethren, to God be the Glory, none of these previous pregnancies exceeded 3 months, but this particular one crossed over 3 months and now, I’ve come to present as prophesied that testimony baby, Samuel, Zoe, EluOghene, God’s power. Somebody shout Halleluyah!
Bro Tony & Sis Florence Ezor
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