Pastor Toyin Olugbemi
Pastor Toyin Olugbemi

By Toyin Olughemi, Ph.D

Dynamics And Riches Of God’s Mercy

To tap into all that the mercy of God can deliver, it is important one knows how to obtain it. In this regard, one needs to understand the nature and characteristics of mercy, and who can obtain mercy.

Undoubtedly, God is rich in mercy and the multitude of the mercies of God are unsearchable. Hence, the wise Christian will never despise the riches of the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ borne out by the mercy of God (Ephesians 2:4-5).

Mankind would have been without hope but for the mercies of God in Christ Jesus through His resurrection. The Lord’s grace and kindness, which are actually components of His mercy, has given us a lively hope, so that it is not only in this world alone that we have hope (Psalm 103:7, Ephesians 2:7).

Characteristics of God’s Mercy

  1. Mercy endures: God’s mercy is long-lasting. It is eternal and endures forever (1 Chronicles 16:34, 2 Chronicle 20:21, Psalm 100:5, 106:1, 118:1-4, 136:1-26). So, when God forgives, He forgets. Mercy will delete from your life every grain of judgement in Jesus name.
  2. Mercy is abundant and rich: God’s mercy is extensive and pervasive. It is from generation to generation. God is not lacking in mercy because it is His nature, as He is full of mercy or simply merciful. He does so much in His mercy, dealing with us not as our conduct or attitude deserves, but for His own name’s sake, (as written in Psalm 109:21, and 115:1).
  3. God’s mercies are tender, kind and compassionate: The tender mercies of God and His unparalleled loving kindness will surely be your portion from this moment in Jesus name. It does not matter what the enemy may do or say, the Lord will be merciful to you and cause His face to shine specially upon you in Jesus name. You are set for great heights of glory according to the multitude of God’s mercies in Jesus name.
  4. Mercy is of the Lord and never to be despised (Daniel 9:9, 2 Corinthians 1:3): God can do and undo, just as it pleases Him. May you never run out of the covering of God’s mercy in Jesus name. Pharaoh ran out of the mercy of God and perished. Judas Iscariot walked out of the mercy of God and ended up in perdition and destruction, having betrayed Jesus Christ. May that never be your portion in Jesus name.
  5. Mercy is required for our perfection: To yield oneself as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God and in reasonable service to our Maker and Sanctifier is by the mercies of God (Romans 12:1). Without mercy, it will be an arduous vain struggle for any man to attain unto perfection, but thanks be to God that He has richly bestowed His mercies on us in Christ Jesus. The Psalmist perceived this truth and prayed for perfection of all concerning him. Hallelujah! Pray this prayer for your perfection now: Psalm 138:8, KJV

“The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me: thy mercy, O Lord, endureth forever: forsake not the works of thine own hands.”

Your testimony is next. Receive your sanctification and perfection by faith now in Jesus name.

Provoking and Obtaining God’s Mercy

Interestingly, God has absolute discretion in whom He will show mercy or not, and God cannot be bribed. Neither is mercy for sale!

Nonetheless, God has not left us ignorant on how to position ourselves to receive His mercy or to come gracefully under the covering of His mercy through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.


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