By Pastor Ola Adejubee
Text: Mark 10:21-23
“Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and said unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, take up the cross, and follow me.
And he was sad at that saying, and went away grieved: for he had great possessions.
And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!”
The principle of priority is very imperative for successful management and maximization of life. God is the author of knowledge in all it’s ramifications. When He created the planet earth according to the record in Genesis chapters one to three, there were things He did first, and others He created last. It would have been catastrophic to have created man first as man would have suffered lots of deprivations. Your life can’t be an exception to priority management if you desire good success this brand New Year.
One of the habits of highly successful people is that they start with the end in mind. For example, as a believer, you are to keep remembering heaven everyday and work in line with that thought.
Priority management becomes absolutely required at the beginning of the year like this. What you don’t prioritize will get choked in the crowd of other activities competing for attention. Make eternity your priority rather than prosperity.
In our focal scripture above, a man came to Jesus asking what he could do to obtain eternal life, Jesus told him the basics and he said he had been doing all that the master spoke about from his younger days.
Finally, he was taken to the next level of spirituality but he simply turned from following Jesus altogether. WHAT A SHALLOW FOLLOWER!
Unfortunately, many believers are like this man; they only want to be with Jesus for what they can get from Him not what they can do for Him. They are the people who use the church as an avenue for self-enrichment only.
“One thing thou lackest” says the master to you this day, pay attention to this “one thing”, and every other thing will be directed to you.
Prosperity, no doubt, is one of the benefits of redemption, but Jesus did not come to make us money bags only. Apostle Matthew in the first chapter and verses twenty and twenty-one confirm the fact that Jesus came to deliver His people from their sins.
Beloved, you can be saved from sin and live a holy life, be heaven bound and still prosper greatly. DON’T BE DECEIVED BY THE DEVIL TO BECOME A MAMMON WORSHIPER, PRIORITIZE HEAVEN.
In this New Year, don’t turn your back on Jesus when it is time to make a sacrifice for His Kingdom.
A. You don’t enjoy the company of other believers contrary to the word of God.
B. If you are always angry whenever it’s time to give towards God’s work, or you even stand up to actively antagonize such move.
C. If you don’t pay your tithe or you do so with lots of reluctance. You are missing it.
D. If you are a convenience-oriented worshipper who would not do anything except it is comfortable for you to do so.
E. If you are a pleasure seeker and not a rugged soldier of the cross, you are turning your back on Jesus already. ‘One thing thou lackest’
F. If making money at all costs is your modus operandi. You hate to hear about holy lifestyle in business, yours is anything goes, you have turned your back in Jesus. ‘One thing thou lackest’; come back to Jesus quickly today.
If any of the above is a correct description if your life, return to Jesus today.
The foolish rich man later regretted all his actions while on earth, but it was too late for him to make any amend. BE WELL GUIDED, JESUS IS CALLING YOU NOW.
G. If the joy of salvation, joy and excitement of serving God, being a blessing, are all absent in your life, it means you are far from Jesus.
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