It is widely known that God gives us His grace by being the God of the universe and that is the common grace that was discussed in Chapter one of this book. However, to access and walk on the stairway of great grace and attain supernatural heights in Christ Jesus, we must engross ourselves in some things.
The first of those things is trusting God with our lives by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, the Bible tells us in Romans 10:10-11.
Grace and favour are connected. Grace is a higher level of favour although grace and favour can be used interchangeably. Favour is a special privilege. Noah was chosen to build the ark and God showed him grace simply because he was found a righteous man in the land. The Bible records in Genesis 6:8 that “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD.”
Righteousness will always distinguish and position a man for grace and favour from God as in the case of Job of Uz in Job 1:1. Also, because of righteousness, favour followed Joseph to the house of his master, it followed him to the prison, and it ultimately followed him till he got to the palace where his destiny was fulfilled.
In Genesis 41: 40-42, the account of how Joseph fulfilled destiny was recorded. All you need to do is to walk uprightly in God and you will be favoured until you fulfil your destiny as Joseph in the above scriptures fulfilled destiny.
Daniel was favoured as recorded in Daniel 1:8-9 and he fulfilled destiny too. Isaac was favoured by God and he got to his Rehoboth in Genesis 26:22. You can also be favoured provided you live right.
With favour, you can escape dangers and troubles. Grace will navigate you out of difficult situations as seen in Daniel 6. The three Hebrew men went through the fiery furnace unhurt because God’s favour was upon them and Jesus was with them in the furnace in Daniel 3.
You must first come to him before you can qualify for that favour and great grace. The only thing you need to do is to come to Him and surrender all to Him by making Jesus the captain of your soul.
First and foremost, by Divine Election as stated in Romans 9:11, a man can attain the level of Great Grace. Secondly, Divine Immunity will be available for those who give their whole being to the service of the Lord as recorded in Proverbs 3:34. Also, when you are loyal to constituted authorities, great grace is around the corner as recorded in Ruth 1:16-19. Aside this, your total obedience is very key to your attaining a level of great grace.
Isaiah 1:16-19 makes us to realize the fact that if we obey God’s word absolutely, we will eat the good of the land. Obedience is key to greater grace. Finally, sacrificial giving is a key to Greater Grace especially for financial breakthrough as recorded in 1 Kings 3:3-10 where Solomon gave an unusual offering that made him one of the greatest kings the world would ever know.
Sin as stated explicitly in Proverbs 28:13 will debar a man from attaining the level of great grace. Sin that is not confessed and not forsaken can hinder the move of greater grace upon your life.
Also, pride, which is a silent killer, will make God’s great grace to be far from an individual (James 4:6). When you are humble, God will give grace unto you.
Greed and covetousness will remove the great grace of God in the life of a fellow. When you are greedy, the great grace of God will elude you (2 Kings 5:21-27).
If you want to connect to greater grace, the first step is to give your life to Jesus Christ. Let God take you from one level of grace to another. He will pick you from where you are now and take you to where you should be. Surrender to Him so that He will bestow on you the free gift of uncommon grace.
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