By Pastor Toyin Olugbemi, PhD
Jesus Christ: The Light of the World
Nothing shines enduringly or eternally without Jesus Christ. The scriptures describe Jesus as the true light that shines eternally. Jesus Christ personally says that He is the light of the world that anyone can follow to shine in life (John 8:12).
He describes Himself in Revelation 22:16, as “the bright and morning star.” In other words, He is the Star above all stars and the King of stars. He is the light of the world, from whom emanates whatever has a light and truly shines like a star (John 1:4). He is the Sun of righteousness (Malachi 4:2) that rises with healing in His wings, giving light to all that truly shines. All who are God’s children must therefore intrinsically shine like Jesus. He has so commanded and has given us the enablement.
We will be considering the following seven persons as examples of men who shone in their life and time – Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Daniel, Peter and Paul.
1. Abraham
He has not stopped shining from his days till now as one who distinguished himself as a friend of God through his life of obedience to God and his walk of faith (Genesis 12:1-5, Genesis 22:1-19, Hebrews 11:8-10, 17-19).
2. Moses
Moses did shine as an outstanding national leader who excelled in the leadership of men in fulfilling God’s purpose, and particularly in his walk with God, by way of extraordinary intimacy, meekness, and faithfulness. God rebuked Aaron and Miriam and Himself boasted concerning Moses that unlike others, He spoke with him mouth to mouth (Numbers 12:3, 6-8).
3. Joshua
Here we meet another national leader who shone intensely as a humble steward. He was a very courageous man, yet totally submissive to his master, Moses, and was fully obedient to God. Joshua was committed and unyielding in goal pursuit and fulfilment of purpose. In him, we see the importance of complete dependence on and partnership with God. He had courage, determination, focus, commitment and goal orientation in leadership; qualities which are very essential for whoever wants to shine in any position of leadership. He stayed unswervingly to the Lord’s charge to him (Joshua 1:8).
At the tail end of his life, he could confidently declare to the people Joshua 24:14-15
4. David
Here is a man who knew the Lord he was serving, the Lord God of Israel, the Almighty God whose power is over and above all. He understood that he “can do all things through Christ” his strength. He was a man and a king after God’s heart. Though a little shepherd boy not deemed qualified for national leadership by the father, it pleased the Lord to anoint him king in place of Saul and in preference to all his senior brothers (1 Samuel 16:1-13).
He stood valiantly, in the name of the Lord, against Goliath and the army of the Philistine to remove reproach from Israel and the Lord backed him up. He killed Goliath with a sling and a stone! What a miracle!
Everyone knew it could only be God, and his fame went throughout the land unto other nations as a king that knew and feared the Lord. For truly the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits (Daniel 11:32, 1 Samuel 17:31-54).
Every Goliath and all foreign hosts of the devil shall fall for you and be slaughtered in Jesus name. It does not matter their number, dexterity or skilfulness, they are all going down to perish for you in Jesus name.
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