Pastor E. A. Adeboye

At least you remember the testimony of a brother, when we were still in the very first auditorium, who heard my testimony, when I suddenly discovered I wasn’t hearing clearly. When people are talking, I will see their mouth moving but I wasn’t hearing them. So, I will say speak louder and they will say ah! We have spoken louder we were almost shouting. And so, when one of my daughters who was a doctor came, I said look at this ear, what is the problem? She looked and said, ah! And when a doctor says ah! You know you are in trouble. She then asked, ‘what are we going to do now daddy?’ I said, what did you mean? She said “I know you won’t go to the hospital but there are growths in your ears and we have to operate urgently.” I said, is that the problem? You can go and come back after seven days, if the growths are still there then we can talk again.

After she left, I cried to the Almighty God. I said, how can I do your work when I am deaf, I want brand new ones, I know you have my spare parts? Seven days later, my daughter came back and checked. This time, she said ah! “There is no more growths there.

Let me stop and prophesy to someone, that thing which the doctors said it is impossible, shall be possible here today.

Now a young man was in the auditorium when I was sharing the testimony, the doctors have told him; ‘not that your sperm count is low, it is that your sperm is water, pure.’ When he heard my testimony, he said ah! ‘That is what I need, spare parts, God give me a new sperm! So, he cried to God and went home that was on a Saturday morning, and slept off in a chair in the living room and had a dream and in the dream, he saw the General Overseer came into the room and he smiled at him and walked away.  When he woke up he said, God has answered his prayer.

When he was sharing his testimony, he was lifting up his new baby, the one they said, he has zero sperm count.

Now I want to assure somebody here today, you don’t have to see the G.O in your dream, right now in the name of Jesus Christ, God will answer your prayer.


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